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A simple wrapper around the youtube iframe js API for react native
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- react native
- mobile
- ios
- android
- ui
- youtube
- youtube-iframe
- iframe
🔐Body scroll locking that just works with everything
- body scroll
- body scroll lock
- react scroll lock
- react scroll
- scroll
- lock
- freeze
- toggle
- disable
- overflow
- modal
- lightbox
- react
- vanilla-js
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Parse JavaScript SDK
React specific wrapper for @ionic/core
A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
Bugsnag error reporter for React Native applications
Lightbox and modal dialog plugin. Can display inline HTML, iframes (YouTube video, Vimeo, Google Maps), or an image gallery. Animation effects are added with CSS3 transitions. For jQuery or Zepto.
Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
Isomorphic Crypto for WalletConnect
Socket Transport for WalletConnect
Images etc in Full Screen Lightbox Popovers for React Native
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- android
- ui
- lightbox
- gallery
- image-gallery
- image
- image-viewer
A customizable React audio player. Written in TypeScript. Mobile compatible. Keyboard friendly
Automates PWA asset generation and image declaration. Automatically generates icon and splash screen images, favicons and mstile images. Updates manifest.json and index.html files with the generated images according to Web App Manifest specs and Apple Hum
- pwa
- puppeteer
- chromium
- icon
- launch-image
- ios
- android
- splashscreen
- splash-screen
- image-generation
- image
- manifest
- mobile
- favicon
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Mobile UI Components built on Vue
webOS support library
Enact is an open source JavaScript framework containing everything you need to create a fast, scalable mobile or web application.
A simple responsive and accessible react modal
React Router wrapper for @ionic/react
Customizable charts (Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Circle, Progress) for React Native
Enables body scroll locking (for iOS Mobile and Tablet, Android, desktop Safari/Chrome/Firefox) without breaking scrolling of a target element (eg. modal/lightbox/flyouts/nav-menus)
- body scroll
- body scroll lock
- body scroll lock upgrade
- react scroll lock
- react scroll
- scroll
- lock
- freeze
- toggle
- disable
- overflow
- modal
- lightbox
- react
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