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FVTTDB is a CLI helper for Foundry VTT CLI to extract and compile databases.
Logger outputting messages to a file in a nedb-readable format with minimal memory footprint
A class-based Object-Document Mapper (ODM) for NeDB
MarsDB-Angular is an AngularJS 1.x binding for MarsDB
A simple and useful model wrapper for nedb (using nedb-promises).
hook which adds fuzzy search for NeDB through $search in find query
Nedb-backed session store for Express 4 session middleware
Adapter for node.js simple odata server using nedb
MarsDB is a lightweight client-side MongoDB-like database, Promise based, written in ES6
NeDB adapter for Fortune.
Easily build a searchable documentation Single Page Application (SPA) using markdown files in your Github Repo or local files.
A lightweight Database made as an alternative and replacement of Sqlite3
A NeDB data access layer that is so stupid!
SQL and NoSQL database connector, useful when access to multiple types of systems using one syntax is needed.
this zero-dependency package will provide a persistent, in-browser database, with a working web-demo
Embedded job/message queue
Subset of MongoDB's API (the most used operations)
this zero-dependency package will provide a persistent, in-browser database, with a working web-demo
Add google-like $search to NeDB service.find queries.
Persistent local-disk (and/or memory) adapter for blue-prod / Waterline.