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Third-party login plugin for hapi
- hapi
- login
- authentication
- oauth
- plugin
- auth0
- arcgisonline
- bitbucket
- dropbox
- fitbit
- foursquare
- github
- gitlab
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A nestjs-cls plugin for transactional decorators
- nest
- nestjs
- cls
- continuation-local-storage
- als
- AsyncLocalStorage
- async_hooks
- request context
- async context
- transaction
- transactional
- transactional decorator
- aop
Serverless plugin to support NestJS monorepo
Redis(ioredis) health checks module for Nest framework (node.js).
AWS Polly module for NestJS
NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs - request query builder
- typescript
- typeorm
- nest
- nestjs
- rest
- restful
- api
- crud
- crud-generator
- http
- request
- request-query
- requestquery
- get
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NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs - util
NestJS configured middleware module made simple
A nestjs redis module w/ cluster support
Run external gulpfiles as part of a gulp task inside another gulpfile
NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs
NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs - TypeORM
A Prisma adapter for @nestjs-cls/transactional
- nest
- nestjs
- cls
- continuation-local-storage
- als
- AsyncLocalStorage
- async_hooks
- request context
- async context
- transaction
- transactional
- transactional decorator
- aop
- prisma
fastify-multipart decorators for Nest.js
Highly configurable and extensible rate limiter library
An easy to use nestjs config module
Hot-shots Module for Nest.js Framework
NestJS Async Context based on async_hooks
Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@knex)
@nestjs with firebase