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61 packages found
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Use grunt to control Perl's Dancer server, and live-reload with grunt-contrib-watch
A highlight tool that could higlight any language in a best effort manner.
Perl for Javascript. Just some functions that a perl developer misses in Javascript.
perl -pe (kind of)
embed Perl5 to node.js
stdin + arguments composite stream (aka <> or diamond)
Copy/paste detector for programming code, support JavaScript, CoffeeScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Less, Go, Java, Yaml, C#, C++, C, Puppet, Twig languages
- code-quality
- code-smells
- duplication
- cpd
- pmd
- analyze
- quality
- copy-paste
- clone
- copy
- paste
- javascript
- coffeescript
- typescript
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Fetch a user's CPAN count from MetaCPAN
Perl brush module for SyntaxHighlighter.
A node rewrite of perls Text::Balanced Balanced Brackets module
A CLI tool that brings perl CLI switches to node
Run Perl in the browser! WASM compiled version of Perl 5.
Run different types of scripts(Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, CoffeeScript) in Brackets.
Prettier plugin for formatting Template Toolkit 2 templates.
Search for tech conferences and meetups on the command line
- eventil
- eventil-cli
- conference
- event
- meetup
- tech event
- tech conference
- javascript
- ruby
- node.js
- python
- clojure
- rails
- kotlin
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NW.js demo application for the camel-harness package
React server-side rendering on Perl
A node.js rewrite of the perl transliteration function
An interface to allow Node programs to debug Perl scripts
Fake CGI/Perl Server on Express