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Javascript db migrations utility for SQLite, MySQL or other SQL Ansi databases
Tool which help you manage your raw sql scripts
PostgreSQL migration strategy for NodeJS
A memory version of postgres
PostgreSQL using node-postgres for NoFlo
PostgreSQL promisified by Bluebird
Smart NoSQL wapper for SQL
Database client library
Postgres chit-chat.
A prettier plugin for formatting PostgreSQL-flavour SQL
Export data from pgSql to mongo
ES2015 tagged template string for preparing statements
Export data from pgSql to mongo
Yet another simple Postgres SQL parser/modifier
A simple postgresql streaming module
Browse Databases and execute commands directly from the editor. Opens views/procedures/functions as documents. Supports MySQL, MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL. Requires NPM to be installed.
- sql hint
- sql connector
- sql
- mssql
- database
- mysql
- database viewer
- execute query
- sql browser
- execute sql
- postgresql
- pgsql
Utilities for node.js PostgreSQL driver with specialized result types, introspection and other helpful functionality
A Hapi Postgresql Wrapper for Hapijs that support new hapi structure and using decorator method
A memory version of postgres
Perform basic SQL CRUD operations without writing SQL queries.