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116 packages found
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Image Scramble with Seed
Abort if the process isn't sandboxed as intended and can access sensitive files
Ad-Link Bypasser, stop ad-link, easy bypass ! Developped By OldModz95 | Proposed By ProtonDev
API Key Generation, Validation, and Rate Limiting for SvelteKit
- svelte
- sveltekit
- api
- rest
- keys
- hash
- security
- permissions
- generation
- validation
- rate-limit
- token-bucket
- redis
- firestore
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Generate a cryptographically strong random string
protect swagger openapi ui
protect swagger openapi ui
This module checks for sql injection using regex and rejects requests with 403 response if sql is found
a discord bot package to protect your server from raids,links,spams with a simple way
- discord
- antiraid
- anti-raid
- anti-invites
- raid
- protect
- raidprotect
- raid-protect
- anti-spam
- bot
- package
- npm
- link
- anti-link
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A complete implementation of the UniFi Protect API for Node.js v16. A fork of
- camera
- doorbell
- ubiquiti
- unifi
- unifi protect
- motion
- motion sensor
- protect
- security
- uck
- uck g2
- uck g2+
- uck gen2
- uck gen2+
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protect operator for basic-streams
A discord module to protect from raids
Unifi Protect Adapter based on the unifi-protect library from hjdhjd
Anti-link scam, anti-server scam, anti-user scam, system blacklist, system report send new scam
React Utility for adding hash into your text to protect your content
Protect Your Discord Token
A lightweight JavaScript library for GraphQL that adds authentication, authorization, and query sanitization to prevent malicious queries and injection attacks.
- shieldql
- graphql
- security
- safergraphql
- safety
- cybersecurity
- auth
- authorization
- authentication
- querysanitization
- query
- sanitization
- secure
- shield
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Gulp plugin for javascript-obfuscator Node.JS package
- gulpplugin
- obfuscate
- obfuscation
- javascript-obfuscator
- obfuscator
- protect
- conceal
- scramble
- safe
- uglify
- crush
- code protection
- javascript obfuscator
- js obfuscator
Node library for connecting to Ubiquiti Unifi Protect controllers and listen for events
Fully auto merging and uglifying a whole NodeJs project into one file with external files option. Recompiled from Zsolt Istvan Szabo's work with uglify-es instead of uglify-js-harmony.
- obfuscate
- total
- whole
- project
- protect
- minify
- code protect
- uglify
- mangle
- compress
- automatic
- code separation
- separate dependencies
- sub project extraction