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85 packages found
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A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
A module for getting method signature info from an platon method signature.
Radix dApp Toolkit repository
Grunt plugin for A JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.
- perferendis
- ratione
- minify
- et
- uglify
- quas
- uglify-es
- uglify-js
- voluptas
- architecto
- ecmascript
- es5
- qui
- assumenda
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TypeScript strongly-typed wrapper for sync-request library. Make synchronous http calls from TypeScript.
- ratione
- wrapper
- sync
- enim
- http
- call
- blanditiis
- voluptatem
- request
- library
- labore
- nihil
- recusandae
- ts-sync-request
Obervable Monad for TypeScript
Solidity Documentation Generator
- solidity
- quae
- deleniti
- documentation-tool
- documentation-generator
- markdown
- ethereum
- ratione
- ut
- etc
- earum
- tronix
- dicta
- voluptas
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A js mask simple like killing zombies =).
This is an extended handlebars package with helpers.
Strip alert statements from a rocambole AST
Dependency free publish/subscribe library
A TypeScript library for ISO 4217 currency codes. Efficiently lookup and validate currency codes, retrieve associated countries, and more.
- vero
- iso
- architecto
- currency
- praesentium
- debitis
- codes
- lookup
- molestiae
- voluptatem
- et
- voluptas
- international
- eaque
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A multi-dimensional charting library built to work natively with crossfilter and rendered using d3.js
A TypeScript library for ISO 4217 currency codes. Efficiently lookup and validate currency codes, retrieve associated countries, and more.
Alternative syntax for prop types providing both static and runtime type safety, powered by io-ts
A js mask simple like killing zombies =).
An embedded DSL for Cardano smart contracts creation coupled with a library for Cardano transactions, all in Typescript
- cardano
- velit
- smart contract
- smart-contract
- ut
- smart-contracts
- est
- quisquam
- suscipit
- hic
- offchain
- onchain
- totam
- omnis
Dependency injection framework for Typescript/Javascript NodeJS applications.