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An easy to implement and customize React scrollbar component with OS native scroll behavior.
- react
- react-custom-scroll
- react-awesome-scroll
- awesome-scroll
- react-component
- customscroll
- custom-scroll
- scroll
- scrollbar
- custom-scrollbar
- ui component
- ui
- component
A function to get the scrolling parent of an html element.
Infinite scroll component for React in ES6
A thin component wrapper around scroll-into-view-if-needed
A React component to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
Simple React element that when clicked scrolls to any element on page
Hash link scroll functionality for React Router v4/5
The final solution for WAI ARIA compatible modal dialogs or full-screen tasks.
Take control of when scroll is updated and restored in your Next.js projects
React scrollbars component
React scrollbars component
Prevent scroll on the body when component is mounted.
Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.
Swiper/carousel component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support. Compatible with Android & iOS.
- react
- native
- carousel
- slider
- swiper
- flatlist
- scrollview
- parallax
- images
- infinite
- scroll
- scrolling
- items
- edge
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Boxes that behave nicely while scrolling
A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
A modern smooth scrolling library.
Disable the document's scrolling