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📼 Supertape simplest high speed test runner with superpowers
Run commands in parallel (dad / dis-and-dat) or sequentially (dtd / dis-then-dat)
Resolve the path of `npm-cli.js` included in the globally installed npm CLI
Promisify everything without modification using util.promisify and ES6 Proxy
- pify
- promise
- promises
- promisify
- promisify all
- callback
- callbackify
- then
- thenify
- async
- await
- es2015
- bluebird
- proxy
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Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH, with expanding all symbolic links
Resolve the directory path where npm CLI is installed
A tiny promise wrapper around fs
Resolve the path of a module from the directory where npm is installed
Handling/creating hybrid errors. Hybrid middleware between callbacks and throws. Helpful util for modules that have hybrid APIs and want when they use promises, directly to throw the errors; when use callbacks to pass errors to first argument of this call
A small library to help Jest support given-when-then style testing without a bunch of overhead
A backport of `util.callbackify` for Node.js 6.0 and up.
- async
- callback
- callbackify
- cb
- convert
- depromisify
- dethenify
- errback
- nodeback
- nodeify
- promise-to-callback
- promise
- promisify
- then
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Promise aware wrapper for Node modules
Load a module from either CWD or npm CLI directory
Create the directory structure and then create the file.
write usecase driven tests systematically for simpler, safer, and more readable code
nodeify from then/Promise, all by itself
jwt as promised
Transform everything into a promise
Promise Timers
The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by native ES6 promises.