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Synchronously write a file and create its ancestor directories if needed
Stringify and write YAML to a file atomically
Create xlsx in streaming mode in browser and nodejs
Copy a file
Promise-based writing to filesystem for Node.js
Reimplementation of sponge from moreutils
JSON format for good presentation
Fast way to write a file atomically, for Node.js
A small module to write JSON files.
File System Access API implementation (ponyfill) with pluggable storage adapters via IndexedDB, Cache API, in-memory etc.
A high performance Stream alternative for Node.js and browser
Read, write or test a data structure's nested property via a string like ''. It works through arrays and objects.'
Read from and write to a JSON file, minimizing diffs and preserving formatting.
LevelUP Write Stream compatible with streams2
Generate a markdown TOC (table of contents) with Remarkable.
- anchor
- commonmark
- docs
- document
- documentation
- glossary
- heading
- index
- links
- markdown
- md
- plugin
- readme
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Forces webpack-dev-server to write bundle files to the file system.
Write to a file, falling back to stdout.
mongoose-write-stream =====================
Easily persist and load config data. No dependencies.
Native File System API