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A lightweight Pinia plugin to manage relational entities in Pinia without having to learn a whole new ORM.
A Vue 3 Pinia plugin which persists store content using the CapacitorJS Preferences store.
Pinia persistence plugin
A pinia plugin that help use vue-router in pinia
Pinia plugin for vue-cli
Access restructured JSONAPI data from a Pinia Store.
A Coaction integration tool for Pinia
Pinia plugin for vue-cli
Pinia System Messages Store.
A pinia style store in miniprogram
``` npm install @tixel/pinia-entity -D ```
Provides class fields decorators for Pinia and vue3-class-component.
The Nuxt module for [Feathers Pinia](
The easiest way to watch for your Pinia State.
uniapp 下 pinia 的本地数据缓存插件
Auto storeToRefs for use pinia state.
Pinia with Firestore
Pinia store extension that allows transparent caching of state in local storage.
Sync your pinia state and firestore document at ease!