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A simple node script to uglify js in dist dir
Typescript class annotations for ioc, it is a solution for typescript class compile to es5 uglify. for project used tsioc to es5 uglify
Malta plugin to uglify css
> tscu = `tsc` + `uglify`
Rollup plugin to minify generated bundle
Plugin for Lasso.js to transpile with Babel and minify with Uglify ES and CSSO
uglify-js transform function for E-mc.
typescript class annotations is a solution for typescript class compile to es5 uglify. for project used tsioc to es5 uglify
Rollup plugin to minify generated format into new minified file, with source maps, using uglify-es.
Builder for creating distributable JavaScript files from source. Concatenate, wrap, uglify.
Rollup plugin to minify generated format into new minified file, with source maps, using uglify-js.
TypeScript definitions for @webpack-blocks/uglify
Uglify JS files with glob pattern.
JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+
Malta plugin to uglify js code
AMD support for grunt-contrib-uglify task
Folders based uglify.
Uglify.js loader for webpack
Uglify files with UglifyJS2
Taro webpack uglify config plugin