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General purpose intent shim layer for cordova appliations on Android. Handles various techniques for sending and receiving intents.
common localforage driver ops
The oauth2-provider backend module for the auth plugin.
An implementation for Ant-style path patterns
Biblioteca com funções úteis para a validação de todos os tipos de boleto
Auth0 Lock
Projeto de componentes da Vindi
Authentication middleware for Express.js that validates JWT bearer access tokens.
react native in app review, to rate on Play store, App Store, Generally, the in-app review flow (see figure 1 for play store, figure 2 for ios) can be triggered at any time throughout the user journey of your app. During the flow, the user has the ability
- react-native
- review
- app-review
- in-app-review
- react-native-in-app-review
- store-kit
- android
- ios
- app store
- play store
- app gallery
- App Gallery
- rate your app
- review is sent to the Play Store
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A library for simplifying encoding and decoding URL query parameters.
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PO UI - Templates
A data structure for storing number intervals
TypeScript definitions for auth0-lock
微信官方 js-sdk npm 安装版,支持 typescript
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