Search results
274 packages found
javascript interface for the piglow
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 2%.
Provides access to Soft PWM on the Raspberry Pi as part of the Raspi.js library suite
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 2%.
A simple Node.js WiFi Scanner
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 2%.
Provides access to status LED on the Raspberry Pi as part of the Raspi.js library suite
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 2%.
NPM wrapper around Wiring Pi so it can be easily installed via NPM or added as a package.json dependency
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 2%.
A javascript class to control a WS2801 led stripe
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 2%.
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
- allwinner
- bananapi
- banana pi
- bcm2835
- gpio
- gpiomem
- i2c
- mmap
- orangepi
- orange pi
- pi
- pwm
- raspberry
- raspberrypi
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Maintenance: None. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 0%.
Add drawing facilities to rpi-led-matrix. Manage sections of the board independently, draw shapes, text, and images.
- raspberry pi
- raspberrypi
- rpi
- rgb matrix
- rgb led matrix
- led matrix
- led board
- led
- leds
- rpi-led-matrix-painter
- effects
- polygons
- typescript
- declarative
Maintenance: 4%. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 0%.
Adafruit IO Client, Local Server, & TLS Tunnel
Maintenance: None. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 2%.
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi
Maintenance: None. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 0%.
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi
Maintenance: None. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 0%.
Updating and cleaning the redis backend for power-meter
Maintenance: None. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 0%.
Provides access to status LED on the Raspberry Pi as part of the Raspi.js library suite
Maintenance: None. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 0%.
Bitdog Home Security and Automation
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 0%.
A fork of node-dht-sensor: Reads data from DHT sensors on Raspberry Pi
Maintenance: 8%. Quality: 55%. Popularity: 0%.
Interface for the weather sensor BMP280
- envirophat
- i2c-bus
- i2c-device
- i2c-interface
- i2c
- i2c-sensor
- weather sensor
- bmp280
- temperature
- pressure
- pi
- Raspberry Pi
- raspberry
- rpi
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 0%.
Bus and Device classes for i2c-bus, with promised functions.
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 0%.
Communicates with devices over I2C bus.
- I2C
- Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor
- ADS1015
- ADS1115
- BH1750
- BME280
- GY-US42
- HMC5883L
- INA219
- MCP23008
- MCP23017
- MCP4725
- PCF8574
- PCA9685
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Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 0%.
Reads data from DHT sensors on Raspberry Pi
Maintenance: None. Quality: 55%. Popularity: 5%.
Reading and logging an electrical power meter by connecting it to a raspberry pi
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 0%.