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Kendo UI for Angular Date Inputs Package - Everything you need to add date selection functionality to apps (DatePicker, TimePicker, DateInput, DateRangePicker, DateTimePicker, Calendar, and MultiViewCalendar).
- Angular
- Kendo UI
- angular dateinput
- angularjs
- calendar
- date-input
- date-picker
- date-time
- dateinput
- dateinput for angular
- daterange
- datetimepicker
- multiviewcalendar
- timepicker
Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export Component
Kendo UI Angular component starter template
Kendo UI Grid for Angular - high performance data grid with paging, filtering, virtualization, CRUD, and more.
Kendo UI Tooltip for Angular - A highly customizable and easily themeable tooltip from the creators developers trust for professional Angular components.
Kendo UI Navigation for Angular
Kendo UI Angular Toolbar component - a single UI element that organizes buttons and other navigation elements
- Angular
- Kendo UI
- Progress
- ToolBar
- toolbar-popup
- toolbar-customization
- scrollable-toolbar
- navbar
- navigation-bar
**Improved debugging of Angular component tests with Jest!**
Kendo UI Angular Upload Component
Kendo UI Angular Menu component
Angular Date Time Picker
@ngrx/store meta reducer that prevents state from being mutated.
Kendo UI Schematics for Angular
- blueprints
- code generation
- schematics
- Kendo UI
- Progress
- Angular
- DevKit
- Angular DevKit
- Angular CLI
- angularjs
- angular-schematics
Socket.IO module for Angular
Kendo UI Indicators for Angular
Kendo UI Charts for Angular - A comprehensive package for creating beautiful and interactive data visualization. Every chart type, stock charts, and sparklines are included.
- Angular
- Charts
- Data Visualization
- DataViz
- Kendo UI
- Progress
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Box Plot Chart
- Bullet Chart
- Heatmap Chart
- Line Chart
- Radar Chart
- Range Area Chart
- View more
Kendo UI Angular Pager
A simple Angular webcam component. Pure & minimal, no Flash-fallback. <a href="" target="_blank">See the Demo!</a>
Kendo UI Editor for Angular
Angular directive for DataTables