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React Native bridge for AppAuth for supporting any OAuth 2 provider
A very basic crypto library
A collection of auth-related utilities
Fastify Basic auth plugin
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server implementation for Node.js with OpenID Connect
- appauth
- auth
- authentication
- authorization
- basic
- certified
- ciba
- config
- connect
- device flow
- dpop
- dynamic
- express
- fapi
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Encode and decode ASN.1 DER
Angular Lib for OpenID Connect & OAuth2
- angular
- oidc
- oauth2
- openid
- security
- typescript
- openidconnect
- auth
- authn
- authentication
- identity
- certified
- oauth
- authorization
React Native biometric functionality for signing and encryption
A strategy to use and implement OAuth2 framework for authentication with federated services like Google, Facebook, GitHub, etc.
GitLab authentication strategy for Passport.
Google (OAuth) authentication strategies for Passport.
A wrapper for the webauthn API that adapts input/output values to plain JSON with base64url.
Bitbucket OAuth2 authentication strategy for Passport.
Small library for decoding json web tokens (JWT)
Google (OAuth 1.0) authentication strategy for Passport.
Passport strategy for authenticating with Atlassian (Jira) using OAuth 2 (3LO)
Passport strategy for Google OAuth 2.0
Crockford base-32 checksum encoding
- blockchain
- id
- auth
- authentication
- bitcoin
- blockchain auth
- blockchain authentication
- blockchainid
- blockchain id
- bitcoin auth
- bitcoin authentication
- bitcoin login
- blockchain login
- authorization
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Passport strategy for authenticating with Okta using OAuth 2.0.
commercetools Composable Commerce TypeScript SDK client.