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JavaScript Semistandard Style - ESLint Shareable Config
- JavaScript Standard Style
- check
- checker
- code
- code checker
- code linter
- code standards
- code style
- enforce
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- hint
- jscs
- jshint
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Eslint config following open-wc recommendations
eslint-config-standard for Vue.js projects
AlloyTeam ESLint 规则
tiny wrapper because eslint really really wants a package name that contains eslint-config-
A ESLint config optimized for Angular
A base set of recommended ESLint rules for TypeScript projects
A TypeScript ESLint config that loves you
- check
- checker
- code
- code checker
- code linter
- code standards
- code style
- enforce
- eslint
- eslintconfig
- hint
- jscs
- jshint
- lint
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ESLint configs for Angular apps
Twilio's ESLint base config
The config storybook uses to lint code
1Password’s shared ESLint configuration.
ESLint plugin for Angular file naming conventions
ESLint rules according to kentcdodds' personal preference
Eslint rules for mocha.
Airbnb's ESLint config with TypeScript and Prettier support
Pluggable ESLint configs for ECMAScript Next, Node.js and React Native that you can import, extend and override
Compatibility utilities for ESLint
eslint plugin for vue-cli
Canonical ESLint Shareable Config