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Practice better dependency injection of browser APIs within your Angular components and services.
- ng-refs
- angular
- di
- dependency
- injection
- typescript
- browser
- animationFrame
- requestAnimationFrame
- cancelAnimationFrame
- console
- getComputedStyle
- interval
- setInterval
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A package to help developers access client side storage
Make state shareable, accessible, persistent, etc...
HTML web storage; better than cookies. With web storage, web applications can store data locally within the user's browser. Before HTML5, application data had to be stored in cookies, included in every server request. Web storage is more secure, and large
Persist and populate react-hook-form form using storage of your choice
Vue3 plugin for work with local storage, session storage and websql from Vue context, inspired by tarojs, vue-ls and secure-ls.
- vue3
- vue3-storage
- storage
- localstorage
- sessionstorage
- promise
- vue-ls
- synchronous storage
- sync storage
- asynchronous storage
- async storage
- secure-ls
A service wrapping local and session storage for angular2.
angular storage tested on angular6
Utilities for manage arrays, breadcrumb, dom elements, dates, injectors, local storage, login, objects, router animations, router, session storage, strings and translate utilities, encryption, for angular 6+ with ECMAScript 6 - ECMAScript 2015
- jose luis quevedo casanova
- angular
- utilities
- array
- breadcrumb
- dom
- date
- injector
- localstorage
- login
- object
- router animations
- router
- sessionstorage
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Storage is plugin that help to store data in the local storage, or retrieve data
LocalStorage connector for ModelX
You can use session storage with hooks. Since it is shared in the context, it will be re-rendered when the dependencies are updated.
Nuxt3 module with autoimport and secure persist(localstorage, sessionstoage, cookie), expire option for pinia
- vue
- nuxt
- nuxt3
- pinia
- localstorage
- webstorage
- sessionstorage
- persist
- store persistent
- store
- pinia-persist
- pinia-localstorage
Implementation of improved window.sessionStorage for server, Type-Safe, and TTL cache system.
- server
- super
- session
- cache
- inmemory
- sessionstorage
- session storage
- super session storage
- window
- parse
- parsed
- backend
- memory
- storage
Web Storage wrapper that provides automatic JSON parsing/stringifying and type-specific features.
Plugin for vue and local/sessionStorage
Vue localstorage.From git+,but change some code
- storage
- localstorage
- local-storage
- vue-localstorage
- vuejs-localstorage
- vue-local-storage
- vuejs-local-storage
- memorystroage
- sessionstorage
- session-storage
- vue-sessionstorage
- vuejs-sessionstorage
- vue-session-storage
- vuejs-session-storage
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Its a simple package to store your data in your browser's localstorage
cache.js 是一个轻量级的 JS 库,对 `localStorage`、`sessionStorage`进行了扩展,增加了序列化方法和过期时间。可以直接存取JSON对象、设置过期时间。
IndexedDb driver for BrowserStorage