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PostCSS plugin to transform percentage-based opacity values to more compatible floating-point values.
PostCSS plugin to transform W3C font-variant properties to more compatible CSS (font-feature-settings)
PostCSS plugin to define global data that will be injected into PostCSS for use in other plugins.
A BEM linter for postcss
PostCSS helpers to throw or output GNU style messages
PostCSS plugin to replace overflow-wrap with word-wrap or optionally retain both declarations.
TypeScript definitions for postcss-import
PostCSS syntax for parsing CSS in JS literals
- postcss
- syntax
- emotion
- aphrodite
- glamor
- glamorous
- react-native
- react-style
- reactcss
- styled-components
- styletron-react
- typestyle
- css-in-js
- css
TypeScript definitions for postcss-url
Customize postcss-import resolve with enhanced-resolve
PostCSS preset for Mantine (7.0+) applications
PostCSS plugin enabling custom properties sets references
Postcss compiler for Broccoli
PostCSS plugin to transform :not() W3C CSS level 4 pseudo class to :not() CSS level 3 selectors
PostCSS plugin for fallback image-set
PostCSS plugin for Flexibility polyfill
Gatsby plugin to handle PostCSS
TypeScript definitions for postcss-modules-local-by-default
PostCSS plugin throws a error on any warning from previous PostCSS plugins
PostCSS plugin to transform rgba() to hexadecimal