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Sprite Sheet Generation from CSS source files. The best and different approach to sprite Retina screen
Webpack Plugin and Loader for resolving spine-animations, scale their assets and creating sprites. Works with skins.
A grunt plugin to help front engineer creating css sprite.
mdi cli tool to create mdi sprite from a config.json file specifying all the icons a user wants
Graycor Signature Modal
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Create SVG sprites using SVG sprite loader
A quick and dirty way to inline svg sprites in your Nuxt app.
SVG sprites & stacks galore — Gulp plugin wrapping around svg-sprite that reads in a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites and CSS resources in various flavours
Webpack loader and plugin to generate a SVG sprite with <symbol> elements and inject it in html built by html-webpack-plugin
- svg
- sprite
- svg sprite
- svg spritesheet
- svg spritesheet generator
- svg icons
- svg icons sheet
- webpack
- webpack loader
- webpack plugin
Combines svg icons into a single sprite file.
A plugin for extracting symbols' IDs from an SVG sprite and using them to generate an IconName type and an array of strings with the IDs.
It is a rollup plugin for sprite
Vite Plugin for fast creating SVG sprites.
Utility that takes images and creates a spritesheet with JSON sprite data
A tool to convert flash sprite sheet format file to egret movieclip file.
Utility to compile svgs from a directory to a spritesheet and make it available as text or blob.