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Webpack Plugin and Loader for resolving spine-animations, scale their assets and creating sprites. Works with skins.
Menus plugin for JSYG.FullEditor
Sprite Sheet Generation from CSS source files. The best and different approach to sprite Retina screen
scss/sass style processor for sprity
webpack sprites loader
This plugin provides automatic source maps, compiling Sass into CSS, autoprefixing, spriting, asseting and minification
A Webpack loader for sprite assets. Automatically bundles all referenced files.
Gatsby plugin to generate SVG sprites from GraphQL sources
the util for sprite
mdi cli tool to create mdi sprite from a config.json file specifying all the icons a user wants
SVG sprite webpack loader for boi
Rollup plugin for creation of SVG spritesheet
Collection of svg sprites
A PostCSS plugin that generates sprites from the directory of images automatically.
Create SVG sprites using SVG sprite loader
Vite Plugin for fast creating SVG sprites.