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Serializer adapter `json` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
Validator adapter `schema` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
Tools for manipulating unified-latex ASTs
Markdown renderer with GFM, Emoji, Katex, Prism and etc. support out of the box
Remark plugin to inline GitHub code snippets
Differ adapter `objectdiff` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
Storage adapter `leveldb` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
Storage adapter `redis` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
Validator adapter `amanda` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
A rehype plugin to inspect, validate, or rewrite URLs anywhere in an HTML document, with url-regex-safe
Converts markdown text to a single line without markdown syntax
rehype plugin to render blockquotes as quotebacks
A remark plugin to use code blocks as placeholder for generated content from openai
unified plugin to infer some `meta` from Git
remark plugin to add support for serializing markdown into NSCode
Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
micromark extension to support GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
- micromark
- micromark-extension
- table
- strikethrough
- tasklist
- autolink
- footnote
- tagfilter
- github
- gfm
- markdown
- unified
An experimental package for adding nodes and values to a mdast from template strings.
a non-opiniated unified loader for wepack
## License - CC0