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brunch plugin for es6 transpiler
Brunch plugin for es6-module-transpiler (Enhanced).
Adds PostCSS support to brunch. plugin for haml coffee files
A Brunch plugins for raw modules
Add the ability to import one or more complex YAML files (with js functions, dates, regexp, ...) as objects in a defined namespace for use in javascript
Rename assets based on SHA1 hash for cache busting
Brunch Plugin to Reversion files in index.html
Run glsl files through glslify in brunch
Adds workbox support to brunch.
Brunch plugin to read your CSS files as strings in JS.
A static blog compiler for brunch
CSSO support for brunch.
AssetOwl Organisation Sigup
Patches railway app to became Brunch's server when included as a Brunch project deps.
Rename assets based on SHA1 hash for cache busting
Brunch plugin to read text files as strings in JS.
Tiled integration for brunch
A micro-plugin to run some javascript after Brunch's compile, inspired by after-brunch