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assertion library that throws user-specified error types (accepts error class and message)
🧩 Create flavoured string template interpolation
GrapesJS component for the embed of custom code
Generate RegExp for delimiters, to be used with templates, files or data streams.
- boundaries
- custom
- customize
- delimiters
- delims
- expressions
- front
- matter
- pattern
- patterns
- re
- regex
- regexp
- regular
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vue 2 google map custom marker component allowing display custom html content on google map using gmap-vue
Set nested values on an object using a dot path or custom separator
Get a property from a nested object using a dot path or custom separator
Creates an object composed of the picked object properties from a nested object using a dot path or custom separator
An efficient and fast web component that gives you a beautiful masonry layout
A delightfully simple theme system for docsify.js. Features multiple themes with rich customization options, an improved desktop and mobile experience, and legacy browser support (IE11+).
Doesn't throw an error when JSON.parse() fails, just returns undefined
A small, fast and crossbrowser custom scrollbar with native system scroll mechanic.
A powerful javascript library to create amazing and smooth effects for the mouse cursor on your website.
JSON parser and stringifier for custom numbers (e.g. BigInt)
Properly create error classes
- browser
- cause
- code-quality
- create
- custom
- error
- error-handler
- error-classes
- error-handling
- error-monitoring
- error-reporting
- errors
- javascript
- library
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Adds fallbacks to your CSS var() functions
Barebones code to generate a uid of custom length
Create custom error classes
- nodejs
- javascript
- stacktrace
- library
- typescript
- browser
- errors
- monitoring
- error-monitoring
- custom
- message
- error-handler
- properties
- error
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A Serverless plugin that makes creation of per function IAM roles easier
Font loader optimized for maximum performance. Removes render-blocking font resources and loads them asynchronusly. Handle FOUT & FOUC with font loading status watcher. Supports both local-hosted fonts and web fonts.