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Manages and creates aliases
Read data from a sainlogic based weather station
Weather forecast using AccuWeather API
Time and weather widgets for ioBroker.vis
Icon set for visualisation as SVG from google.
The adapter checks the presence of family members over the fritzbox. You must fill in the name of the family member and the mac-address of the used device. The comment is optional and you can enable or disable the family member. The datapoint based on the
This adapter polls information about the television program at regular intervals. The data can be displayed in various widgets
Solax Inverter API Cloud and Local Connection
ioBroker Adapter to send Pushover notifications
ioBroker Proxmox Adapter
With this adapter you can build visualization for ioBroker with Home Assistant Lovelace UI
ioBroker chromecast Adapter
Request news from tagesschau
material widgets for ioBroker.vis
Provides data from Pegelalarm-API
- ioBroker
- level alarm
- level
- river level
- water level
- flood
- pegelalarm
- pegelstand
- flussstand
- wasserstand
- hochwasser
ioBroker knx Adapter
ioBroker vis2 material widgets