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245 packages found
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Returns evenly spaced values within given interval.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Builds array from a seed value (dual to foldr).
Pure functional Iterator traversal
Flattens nested array to given depth.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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This package allows you to monitor changes to a remote file using polling of an external URL. This polling uses HTTP range, so only new data is transferred.
Gets values except first.
Watch logs in your browser with live updates and support for filtering.
React container that will auto scroll to bottom
- react
- follow
- jump
- jump to bottom
- jump to top
- scroll
- scroll to bottom
- scroll to top
- sticky
- stick to bottom
- stick to top
- tail
get last line of a file
Returns evenly spaced values within given interval.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Rearranges values in arbitrary order.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Read the last N lines in the file or text across platforms. (like tail -n)
Tail your mongodb collection changes
Read windows event logs
- eventlog
- eventlog-reader
- eventlog-tail
- log
- log-reader
- log-tail
- reader
- tail
- windows
- windows-eventlog
- windows-eventlog-reader
- windows-eventlog-tail
Tail docker logs live
Node.js implementation for tailing a file. Like tail -f
Read a file, tailing it for changes, until it's deleted
Fast explicit tail calls in JavaScript
Maintain an index into a log file as it is appended to and rotated
node.js equivalent of Unix 'tail -F <file>'