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Merge several output streams minimizing data shuffling between the streams producing output in parallel
Replacement for util.inspect and the console object.
- postcss-plugin
- mixins
- matchAll
- concat
- emoji
- slot
- 3d
- date
- worker
- react-testing-library
- ECMAScript 2018
- cjk
- Stream
- extra
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Execute a child process, merging stdout and stderr to a file, and optionally to the console output
A simple CLI tool to resolve package.json merge conflicts.
Easy and Fast Grid Image Joiner
Shallow object merge.
A wannabe compiler tool for JS.
- l10n
- airbnb
- full
- endpoint
- asserts
- package
- optimizer
- extend
- utilities
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- extension
- syntaxerror
- WebSockets
- text
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Patch history (audit log) & events plugin for mongoose
- ECMAScript 2015
- concurrency
- __proto__
- authentication
- mobile
- equal
- text
- stringify
- io-ts
- typedarrays
- debug
- airbnb
- Uint8ClampedArray
- merge
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<h1 align="center">Otter Framework</h1> <p align="center"> <img src="./assets/logo/otter.png" alt="Super cute Otter!" width="40%"/> </p>
- arktype
- crypto
- clone
- crypt
- regular expression
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- escape
- rangeerror
- rm
- ES2016
- iteration
- status
- spec
- styling
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Define option properties with optional validation, filter and default value. Read, write, validate and merge option values as simple as possible.
Node module for synchronously and recursively merging multiple folders or collections of files into one folder.
<h1 align="center">Welcome to @teamteanpm2024/rerum-ducimus-quis 👋</h1> <p> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="Version" src="
- agent
- json-schema-validator
- argument
- Object.getPrototypeOf
- eslint
- ECMAScript 2020
- browserslist
- ajax
- computed-types
- group
- postcss-plugin
- parser
- ec2
- reduce
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- start
- jsonpath
- view
- phone
- descriptors
- io-ts
- exit
- toArray
- cli
- unicode
- regular
- Symbol.toStringTag
- json-schema
- getopt
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Conveniently update a project's package.json file
`package.json` files are required for node.js/npm projects. Beyond just valid json, there are required fields to follow the specifications. This tool verifies the package.json against the specification of your choice, letting you know if you have a valid
- ECMAScript 3
- Map
- gradients css
- banner
- byteLength
- a11y
- readable
- cjk
- ECMAScript 2023
- redux
- jsdiff
- random
- es-shims
- compare
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A command-line utility to import/merge or export *.xlf files from/to XLF, CSV, PO, JSON, PHP ....
This library offers a default interval merge along with the ability to add a weight to each interval which will be used to resolve overlaps. If no weight is given or all weights are the same it will produce a standard interval merge, going from left to ri
Multiple LoaderOptionsPlugin merge to SingleOptions.
`package.json` files are required for node.js/npm projects. Beyond just valid json, there are required fields to follow the specifications. This tool verifies the package.json against the specification of your choice, letting you know if you have a valid
- xhr
- exit-code
- log
- Float64Array
- rgb
- defineProperty
- Array.prototype.flatMap
- autoscaling
- proxy
- ansi
- Array.prototype.findLast
- css less
- crypt
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<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href="https://@odczynflnpm/"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="media/logo-dark-mode.svg"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" sr