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A library to create pipelines with small and smart classes.
A library to perform set of tasks with plug and play elements
Execute functions based on each other's return values
ramda pipe function
Designed for Angular Apps to Validate Various Data Type Values
spawn a command and pipe the output back to std{in,out,err}
shell piping in nodeJS
Multiplexed negotiated streams of framed Snappy-compressed MessagePack messages.
Set of components to create storyboards from pipe queries
Pipe a stream of objects for bulk update/insert into MongoDB
A process runner based on es6 template strings.
Anything to anything
The accessible autocomplete is a component that helps users choose answers from a list you provide. You can also use it to make the answers you get from users more consistent.
- toobject
- Stream
- Array.prototype.findLast
- apollo
- ECMAScript 2021
- harmony
- es8
- pnpm9
- monorepo
- pretty
- tslib
- pure
- robust
- sharedarraybuffer
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- circular
- break
- json-schema-validation
- equality
- web
- trim
- async
- cjk
- streams
- extra
- .env
- fsevents
- typedarray
- weakset
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- jasmine
- xss
- equal
- fast-deep-copy
- signals
- hash
- zod
- dataview
- eslint-plugin
- validate
- io-ts
- censor
- ECMAScript 2019
- sham
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