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Get currency symbol for a given currency code
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Hubot script to show Air Quality Index for some city
Angular 6 library that uses Google service to recognize handwritten kanji
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
An API for Akinator. Supports up to 15 languages.
- aki
- akinator
- magic
- aki promise
- akinator promise
- discord akinator
- discord-akinator
- discordjs akinator
- discordjs-akinator
withme design-system style package
serve google news to json
xdata library
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Pure html phone country code selector showing country flags as emojis, built as a React component
lookup ip information at ``
beanstalkd client & worker daemon for node.
Just playing around
Prebuilt TextMesh Pro fonts and Material icons for Unity UI
Real Fish Youtube Video Crawling Module
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
숫자를 외우기 쉬운 한국어 단어로 변환, Converts numbers to predefined list of Korean words
Get a ton of data from any users recent matches.
A talkative little dog