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Communicator to communicate to flow analyzer
Maps socket errors to SocketError objects subclassing httperrors.
An Asgardeo Strategy for Remix Auth, based on the OAuth2Strategy
sessionStorage support for localForage
Haraka plugin that validates recipients against Qmail::Deliverable
Official Mailsac API client library
A simple annotation component.
TypeScript version of Adobe CSInterface
tsParticles path shape
- front-end
- frontend
- tsparticles
- particles.js
- particlesjs
- particles
- particle
- canvas
- jsparticles
- xparticles
- particles-js
- particles-bg
- particles-bg-vue
- particles-ts
- View more
Scaffolding your chrome extension, multiple boilerplates supported!
- chrome-extension
- crx
- chrome-extension-starter
- chrome-extension-boilerplate
- react
- vue
- svelte
- preact
- solidjs
- alpinejs
- inferno
- lit
- stencil
- qwik
O componente `Flatlist` serve para renderizar listas simples e básicas com utilização de setas(UP / DOWN) do teclado e touch.
A React hook for controlling a boolean value with toggle, on, and off callbacks
Repositório para módulo de autenticação backend
i18nFormat plugin to use fluent format with i18next
tapp's react native sdk
angular two and above validation directives by ReactiveCore
Android SMS Retriever API for React Native
- Android
- SMS Retriever
- SMS Retriever API
- Automatic SMS Verification
- Automatic Phone Number Verification
- Phone Number
- React Native
- react-native
Parses the argv array.
API de integração com o banco de dados legislativo do Portal RC Ambiental.
Nuxt Cookies Control Module