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Is this a bluebird promise I see before me?
the last carousel you'll ever need
Router for Microsoft Power BI. Given an http method and url pattern call the matching handler with the request and response object. Syntax matches common libraries such as express and restify.
process.hrtime() to words
walk an AST, quickly
React.js Google Maps integration component
- React
- Map
- react-component
- recompose
- hoc
- addons/InfoBox
- addons/MarkerClusterer
- Circle
- DirectionsRenderer
- drawing/DrawingManager
- FusionTablesLayer
- GoogleMap
- InfoWindow
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microsecond parser
get a list of identifiers that are initialised by a JavaScript AST node.
Graph layout for JavaScript
The internal Lo-Dash variable `reUnescapedHtml` as a Node.js module generated by lodash-cli.
Multidimensional Arrays
- ndarray
- array
- multi
- multidimensional
- dimension
- higher
- image
- volume
- webgl
- tensor
- matrix
- linear
- algebra
- science
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A simple method that will strip a valid hex prefix off a string, if present.
redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
A sharped version of port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
Make bluebird work with the continuation-local-storage module.
- continuation-local-storage
- cls
- bluebird
- continuation
- local
- storage
- promise
- promises
- async
- thread
- glue
- baling-wire
- patch
HTML void elements are not the only self-closing tags. This includes common SVG self-closing elements as well.
Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
The internal Lo-Dash function `slice` as a Node.js module generated by lodash-cli.
parse the closest `package.json` and get package specific configurations