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framework for building maintainable single page applications
No configuration, dependency free, koa2 history-api-fallback middleware
a cli for creating react project projects work.
Extraction of utility library from Version tracks hi_score.
front end SPA frameworks SSR
Example project illustrating the use of the piral-core and piral-cli packages.
A simple CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
proof of concept for npm package
Fluid router specially designed for complex page transitions and granular UI animations
Angular Frontend Companion Library for hettiger/spa-honeypot
A renderer for @caijiantao/prerenderer that uses puppeteer to prerender pages.
A plugin for quick generate
Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time
Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time
Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS.
tools web server
A plugin for Serverless Framework, to deploy Single Page Applications using S3 and CloudFront.
Provides a fallback for non-existing directories so that the HTML 5 history API can be used.
RedS MCF Spa Deploy
Super Simple SPA - See index.html