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Multicall allows multiple smart contract constant function calls to be grouped into a single call and the results aggregated into a single result
Mr.2 can help you expose local server to external network. Support both TCP/UDP, of course support HTTP.
Schematics for Ionic Angular
rtorrent api implementation for electorrent
<h1>Welcome to Client side!</h1>
Small backup util that backups from /etc: - apache2 config - php5 config from /var/www/: - * executes: - mysqlCmd and stores that as sql.gz
cordova gen icon and splash resource
Minimum safe double-precision floating-point integer.
Pownage guaranteed
Plugin to show images from cordova project and use it with native components.
mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering.
Blurhash implementation for svelte
A simple Express.js scaffold.
RequireJS/AMD on Node.js
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