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parse the closest `package.json` and get package specific configurations
A sharped version of port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
Robert Penner's easing functions, slightly modified
A simple method that will strip a valid hex prefix off a string, if present.
HTML void elements are not the only self-closing tags. This includes common SVG self-closing elements as well.
React.js Google Maps integration component
- React
- Map
- react-component
- recompose
- hoc
- addons/InfoBox
- addons/MarkerClusterer
- Circle
- DirectionsRenderer
- drawing/DrawingManager
- FusionTablesLayer
- GoogleMap
- InfoWindow
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microsecond parser
The modern build of lodash’s internal `reEscape` as a module.
Transform stream to read line-by-line and write a string
get a list of identifiers that are initialised by a JavaScript AST node.
Graph layout for JavaScript
A React framework for building text editors.
A generic messaging component to send HTTP style message payloads over the window.postMessage API. Requires an implementation of window postMessage proxy such as 'window-post-message-proxy'.
A little helper for handling strings containing zero width control characters, ANSI styling, whitespaces, newlines, 💩, etc.
- string width
- string length
- real string width
- real string length
- optical string width
- printed width
- unicode
- codepoints
- code points
- strlen
- zero width
- zero width symbols
- zero width characters
- visible characters
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A lightweight, dependency-free, mobile-friendly javascript select box replacement.
Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience
Clamp a value between two other values
List of known file extensions and their MIME types
Detect the archive type of a Buffer/Uint8Array
A Karma plugin. Report results in junit xml format.