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- toSorted
- symbols
- fastcopy
- fantasy-land
- includes
- typesafe
- tc39
- writable
- web
- lesscss
- setter
- Observables
- fixed-width
- efficient
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[![js-standard-style](]( [![Node CI](](
- module
- getopt
- apollo
- streams
- optimizer
- browserlist
- equality
- auth
- phone
- compile less
- function
- column
- descriptors
- make dir
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- collection
- rgb
- fastify
- css
- css variable
- ECMAScript 7
- curried
- inference
- rm -fr
- Stream
- diff
- trim
- point-free
- negative zero
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- storagegateway
- typedarrays
- argv
- deepclone
- styled-components
- io-ts
- scheme-validation
- fastcopy
- getintrinsic
- BigUint64Array
- ES2019
- accessor
- Object.getPrototypeOf
- stringify
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- shim
- Reflect.getPrototypeOf
- ES2017
- babel
- ratelimit
- watchFile
- serialization
- colors
- number
- config
- react pose
- RegExp#flags
- glob
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Displays column guidelines (print margins) at a specified column. Works with multiple panes, inline code editors, and supports custom colors.
- guidelines
- margins
- version-control
- source-control
- code
- code-margins
- column
- columns
- limiter
- character
- characters
- print margin
- page
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[![Build Status](]( [![GitHub package version](
- dataView
- ES7
- starter
- ESnext
- mru
- JSON-Schema
- Int32Array
- classes
- reuse
- walking
- groupBy
- picomatch
- sameValueZero
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sjcl ====
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- call-bound
- ender
- mkdir
- pure
- gradients css
- environment
- entries
- persistent
- tslib
- hasOwn
- assign
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- getintrinsic
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`JsSimpleDateFormat` is for formatting and parsing date-time and duration. It formats a `Date` object to be a string as the defined pattern. It can also parse a string to be a `Date` object based on the defined pattern. It supports the pattern which is
- styled-components
- karma
- querystring
- traverse
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- flags
- Rx
- Array.prototype.findLastIndex
- walking
- replay
- take
- typedarrays
- walk
- pyyaml
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[![npm version](]( [![Github Actions](](https://
- arktype
- enumerable
- error-handling
- uninstall
- TypedArray
- cjk
- queue
- starter
- performant
- wordwrap
- setImmediate
- ast
- merge
- concat
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- circular
- ES7
- autoprefixer
- description
- RegExp#flags
- operating-system
- call
- watchFile
- fsevents
- serializer
- chinese
- irq
- async
- logging
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- typesafe
- package.json
- xhr
- tap
- uuid
- parse
- plugin
- log
- symlinks
- elb
- sequence
- ecmascript
- isConcatSpreadable
- worker
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- ES3
- sanitize
- windows
- typedarray
- compiler
- functions
- ECMAScript 5
- type
- redux-toolkit
- assign
- interrupts
- trim
- ReactiveX
- Array.prototype.contains
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- uninstall
- tc39
- test
- pnpm9
- which
- yaml
- toStringTag
- sanitization
- array
- file system
- datastructure
- classes
- look-up
- nested css
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- inference
- tostringtag
- ajv
- look-up
- less
- express
- mobile
- argparse
- agent
- zero
- es
- URLSearchParams
- efficient
- less compiler
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The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.
- variables in css
- filter
- descriptor
- opens
- starter
- weakset
- css variable
- request
- ajv
- limit
- phone
- require
- has
- RegExp#flags
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[![Tests](]( [![NPM version](](http
- metadata
- sigterm
- config
- api
- less css
- arraybuffer
- figlet
- asserts
- ES2016
- formatting
- classname
- column
- react animation
- cjk
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- Array
- 0
- interrupts
- serialization
- BigInt64Array
- minimal
- path
- toolkit
- codes
- forEach
- collection
- querystring
- push
- pose
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- middleware
- forEach
- preserve-symlinks
- babel
- hardlinks
- setImmediate
- shared
- jsdom
- fixed-width
- pretty
- dependencies
- listeners
- rgb
- language
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