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wip - A Mongoose-like model constructor for the browser, with optional persistent datastores - an in-memory ODM
POST a login and return wanted cookie
Graceful cookie handler
crawler request tool
A local cookie Management library
This is simple Indexed DB storage packege which can be used to store information in the form of object. You can use this packege instead of localStorage or sessionStorage.
A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies
让 React Native 与 webview 页面互通的 Event bus,帮助快速实现 Hybrid 应用
Cookie information dialog used to show a short text about, the use of cookies for the website, due to european laws.
A Cordova plugin for cookie management using the Crosswalk webview
Cookie integration for dot-store
Encapsulated cookie module,make cookies simpler.
A small JavaScript cookies Library with Vanilla JavaScript.
Parses cookie headers for Connect/Express applications according to RFC 6265.
get, set and remove cookies clientside
A Cookie Consent plugin for Aurelia.
use universal api to operate cookie,localStorage and sessionStorage
Koa cookie session middleware with external store support
request filter middleware for koa 2+
Simple JS Cookie Management