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Stylelint rule for preventing the use of low performance animation and transition properties.
Helper methods for splitting CSS lists (e.g., spaces, commas).
A rework plugin to read and inline CSS files via @import
tsParticles trail external interaction
- front-end
- frontend
- tsparticles
- particles.js
- particlesjs
- particles
- particle
- canvas
- jsparticles
- xparticles
- particles-js
- particles-bg
- particles-bg-vue
- particles-ts
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tsParticles emitters shape circle plugin
- front-end
- frontend
- tsparticles
- particles.js
- particlesjs
- particles
- particle
- canvas
- jsparticles
- xparticles
- particles-js
- particles-bg
- particles-bg-vue
- particles-ts
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Gulp plugin to use uglifycss
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
Use Sass as a PostCSS plugin
High-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes
Animations used while a page or component is loading.
Minifies and obfuscates the class names in your existing JavaScript, CSS, and HTML without any modern css modules.
Inline all flagged js, css, image source files
A micro-package to convert style objects to css strings. Inspired by extensive usage of styled-components.
700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons, 6000+ glyphs, patterns, colors and layouts.
tsParticles particles twinkle updater
- front-end
- frontend
- tsparticles
- particles.js
- particlesjs
- particles
- particle
- canvas
- jsparticles
- xparticles
- particles-js
- particles-bg
- particles-bg-vue
- particles-ts
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tsParticles particles destroy updater
- front-end
- frontend
- tsparticles
- particles.js
- particlesjs
- particles
- particle
- canvas
- jsparticles
- xparticles
- particles-js
- particles-bg
- particles-bg-vue
- particles-ts
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xstyled system utilities.
Labels add metatdata or indicate status of items and navigational elements.
Self-host the Barlow font in a neatly bundled NPM package.
rehype plugin to minify `style` elements