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Get index i.e. 0,1,2,... of the character where a word must be broken given it must be wrapped within a certain length of spaces.
- bundler
- ES7
- symlink
- symbol
- find-up
- Microsoft
- url
- tester
- elasticache
- WebSocket
- reducer
- pnpm9
- watchFile
- guid
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- predictable
- rfc4122
- queueMicrotask
- drop
- shrinkwrap
- private
- cli
- mocha
- stringify
- linewrap
- loading
- search
- .env
- Object.assign
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- Array.prototype.includes
- directory
- pose
- ECMAScript 2020
- module
- ES2015
- amazon
- byteOffset
- in
- side
- weakset
- serializer
- function
- escape
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The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.
- persistent
- consume
- utility
- vest
- TypedArray
- channel
- es2017
- ArrayBuffer
- exit-code
- starter
- sameValueZero
- router
- fsevents
- resolve
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- persistent
- accessor
- throat
- text
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- which
- wordwrap
- helpers
- elb
- dynamodb
- typeof
- HyBi
- getPrototypeOf
- styled-components
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<p align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="babel" src="" width="546"> </a> </p>
- character
- every
- waapi
- stdlib
- Object.assign
- polyfill
- busy
- validate
- command
- querystring
- private
- channel
- tty
- form
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[![npm](]( ![downloads]( [![CI](https://github.
- nope
- full-width
- japanese
- typed array
- serialization
- react-testing-library
- glob
- Observables
- jsdom
- descriptors
- String.prototype.matchAll
- look
- package
- remove
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- ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice
- limit
- jest
- tape
- whatwg
- functions
- eventDispatcher
- polyfill
- redux-toolkit
- yaml
- iconv
- aws
- batch
- ECMAScript 2016
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- typedarrays
- telephone
- qs
- walking
- ES2021
- log
- safe
- uninstall
- require
- Array.prototype.flatten
- obj
- names
- robust
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- dependencies
- autoprefixer
- once
- format
- ES8
- logging
- ECMAScript 2018
- dom
- eslintconfig
- phone
- Iterator
- some
- terminal
- @@toStringTag
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<p align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="babel" src="" width="546"> </a> </p>
- output
- picomatch
- reduce
- read
- hooks
- warning
- search
- code points
- fullwidth
- forEach
- react
- less mixins
- rm -fr
- eventDispatcher
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a postcss plugin to change element-ui prefix
- sort
- helpers
- es-abstract
- code points
- request
- findup
- TypeBox
- ascii
- traverse
- iterate
- hash
- chromium
- dom
- console
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a javascript event driven system
<div align="center"> <a href="https://@xdanangelxoqenpm/" title="React Hook Form - Simple React forms validation"> <img src="
- structuredClone
- ES2021
- channel
- mime-db
- deterministic
- array
- 256
- ES2019
- shell
- l10n
- wordwrap
- typeof
- elasticache
- real-time
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![npm]( ![GitHub contributors]( ![npm package minimized gzipped size (select exports)](
- import
- concatMap
- mime
- full-width
- preprocessor
- slice
- deepclone
- tester
- array
- argv
- trimEnd
- offset
- restful
- picomatch
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[![npm version](]( ![](https:
- serialize
- own
- client
- fastify
- react animation
- getintrinsic
- string
- rmdir
- link
- animation
- lockfile
- internal slot
- includes
- safe
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A utility that provides a fluent, convenient interface for working with arrays of data in JavaScript. Influenced by Laravel Collections.
- offset
- Streams
- ES2017
- parent
- metadata
- import
- clone
- trimLeft
- trimEnd
- setImmediate
- reuse
- Reflect.getPrototypeOf
- Symbol.toStringTag
- positive
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[![npm version](]( [![contributions welcome](](https://g
- css nesting
- gradients css
- censor
- test
- xss
- RegExp.prototype.flags
- redux-toolkit
- once
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- waapi
- commander
- text
- concurrency
- Microsoft
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
- styleguide
- Iterator
- ECMAScript 2015
- file
- ECMAScript 2023
- ES8
- computed-types
- form
- global
- forms
- map
- patch
- jshint
- datastructure
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