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Tool to setup commit conventions and formatting.
git clone a repo with only username/repo, or if it's an NPM package you can use just the name of the project.
CLI tool to dump repository file contents into a single text file, with globbing and watch mode
To get GitHub repository issues, comments, assignee and repository access to perform listing, creating, updating and deleting operations.
- git
- github
- github-apis
- create issue on gitHub
- update issue on gitHub
- list issue
- create issue comments
- delete repo
- update repo
gitignore extension for coc.nvim
Write commit messages in 3 second
Husky for the Meteor framework. Prevents bad commit or push (git hooks, pre-commit/precommit, pre-push/prepush, post-merge/postmerge and all that stuff...)
Draw pretty git graphs in the terminal, with node.js
Deploy by pushing to a deploy* branch made simplier.
Allow you to commit with more than one person, e.g. Pair programming or Mob programming.
A library that creates an axios instance for destinations in SAP cloud foundry.
This is a CLI tool that helps you pick co-authors for your git commits.
Git repository publisher for Electron Forge
CLI tool to delete merged Git branches.
Tool for lint entire codebase with single CLI command
A very simple interface to git ls-remote
Captura o git diff e envia para um endpoint específico
Git subtree helper
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