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ServerPaginationDataTable component for Angular2 framework
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Guided tour for your Angular applications.
Sortable HTML table.
Full loader for Angular apps, working on http, routing and manually
Concatenate and register Angular JS templates in the $templateCache.
AngularJS Yeoman Generator to help you getting started with a new project based on AngularJS and Angular Material to build large scale applications.
Angular file uploader
A Translation Library for Angular
Angular binding to canvas element via Konva framework
Create simple dashboard..
A message queue for Angular 2+ application components to communication each other. `ngx-message-queue` supports message headers and payload. It also supports subscribers to subscribe to only messages with specific message header via 'msgSelector'. Message
Converts angular **HTML** to **Pug** templating language (_formerly Jade_).
Angular components for Google Maps - Sebastian Holstein
Angular JSON schema form
Ionic 2 Angular Wrapper for Stenciljs Component.
Yeoman generator for various AngularJS resources to encourage a common style within a project.
DataTable component for Angular framework
ngx calendar table is in progress. that's a simple version you can see the next features in the roadmap
Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular
- angular2
- angular
- ng2
- ng
- cookie
- cookies
- angular2-cookie
- angular2-cookies
- ng2-cookies
- ng2-cookie
- ng-cookies
- ng-cookie
- ngx-cookie
- ngx-cookies