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Authentiq authentication strategy for Passport.
- passport
- authentiq
- authentiqid
- auth
- oauth
- oidc
- mfa
- two-step verification
- two-factor authentication
- authentication
- identity
A list of social buttons with Svelte
HTTP OAuth 2-legged (even called 0-legged) authentication strategy for Passport.
NodeBB Altizure OAuth SSO
Unattended SharePoint http authentication with nodejs
Keycloak Connect Middleware
Packaged grantjs OAuth server so you can run it immediately via command line. Perfect for microservice architecture.
Create a Cloudflare workers app for building production ready RESTful APIs using Hono
- cloudflare
- workers
- cloudflare-worker
- cloudflare-workers
- planetscale
- boilerplate
- template
- starter
- example
- vitest
- hono
- api
- rest
- sql
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NodeBB Wordpress SSO
Grant OAuth Proxy plugin for Fastify
Adds a template tag for use in Insomnia, to access a request's access token
Complete, framework-agnostic, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server in node.js
Authentication library for Solid client based on OAuth2/OpenID Connect
Faz a ativação de um usuário, em seguida a autenticação.
React component for Ayrshare - Log In feature using OAuth without redirect
Interactive command line tool to easily get refresh tokens for Spotify API
TypeORM adapter for next-auth.
LVConnect strategy for Passport.js
Sequelize adapter for next-auth.
Angular Lib for OpenID Connect & OAuth2
- angular
- oidc
- oauth2
- openid
- security
- typescript
- openidconnect
- auth
- authn
- authentication
- identity
- certified
- oauth
- authorization