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Merge objects/arrays declaratively
- nodejs
- node
- javascript
- library
- algorithm
- typescript
- functional
- functional-programming
- clone
- object
- array
- deep
- merge
- data-structures
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A value equality utility library.
Like _.defaults, assigns properties of source objects to a target, without overriding existing ones.
Safely access the properties of deeply nested objects
Exponential distribution constructor.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- object
- class
- constructor
- ctor
- probability
- prob
- exponential
- cdf
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Stitches for React Native, for Vitality Design System
- android
- ios
- react
- react-native
- native
- component
- components
- create
- css
- css-in-js
- javascript
- js
- object
- object-oriented
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Javascript utility functions for web development
- object
- deep clone
- array
- async
- map
- find by key
- try catch
- compact
- difference
- intersecion
- promise
- defer
- open
- is truthy
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MapTransform with CJS support
Submit form data from an object easily
Weibull distribution constructor.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- object
- class
- constructor
- ctor
- probability
- prob
- weibull
- cdf
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Test if a value is a Date object.
Used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object.
A module to filter and diff complex nested objects having circular references.
- object
- obj
- json
- deep-keys
- nested-keys
- nested-object
- flatten-object
- find-key
- find-value
- filter-value
- circular-references
- objects-diff
- objects-filter
- objects-comparison
An utility to deeply clone objects.
Return a property descriptor for an object's own or inherited property.
Convert input (string, array, object) to lowerCamelcase
Pragmatic, intuitive diffing and patching of JSON objects
[ABANDONED] Recursive merge tool for arrays and objects
Recursively pick an object or an array by given criteria.
Filter certain keys from an object without side-effects