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Light weight JSON Schema $ref resolver. Expands a JSON Schema by resolving `$ref` references from a mapping of definitions. Does not handle remote references. Has comprehensive unit tests and no dependencies.
- $defs
- ai
- ajv
- anthropic
- claude
- cohere
- definitions
- doowb
- expand
- expansion
- function calling
- function
- gpt-4
- gpt-4o
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Generates DTO and Entity classes from Prisma Schema for NestJS
Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node
Keycloak Admin API client generated by OpenAPI codegen
An open source SDK to integrate and interact with any API
- skl
- linked-data
- rdf
- jsonld
- sdk
- standard-sdk
- unified-sdk
- nodejs
- api
- openapi
- openapi3
- rest
- rest-api
- rest-client
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Boilerplate generator for API Testing from Swagger to Cypress
Generates DTO and Entity classes from Prisma Schema for NestJS
NodeJS skeleton project. Contains basic packages and configuration for our ideal initial node skeleton. Just easily run node-skeleton cli
- node-skeleton
- cli
- cli node skeleton
- node
- project
- nodejs
- typescript
- swagger
- openapi
- node initial project
- nodejs initial project
- example project
- node example project
- nodejs example project
Code generator for microservices
Convert API Blueprint to OpenAPI 3.0.0
Reusable React component compatible with markdown and most known specifications
- documentation
- docs
- react
- component
- web-component
- open-api
- openapi
- async-api
- asyncapi
- odata
- markdown
- specification
OpenAPI plugin for Docusaurus.
Generates DTO and Entity classes from Prisma Schema for NestJS
Documentation and Mock Server for Swagger
config koa-router by openapi, valid the request by opanapi
Wired v3 forms, auto-generated by JSON schemas.
Preset for @pubinfo/openapi.
Generating typescript client from openapi
OpenAPI generation from kyllikki framework
API Doc Pro UI is the best choice for dynamically rendering any spec SwaggerAPI, OpenAPI, or AsyncAPI, all in one with one design. By Reallexi LLC @