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Logo Elements Design System Theme for Vaadin Web Components
Scaffold out a TPA project
<LogoObjectCard/> is a card with action buttons used with caurosel view.
Polymer 2 element in Typescript using TWC
<LogoScatterChart/> is a chart that shows the relationship between two variables.
<LogoLineChart/> is a chart uses points connected by line segments from left to right to demonstrate changes in value.
A gulp script that will inline locales for each <wc-i18n-src> component
Cache-busting plugin for gulp.
Scaffold out a Polymer project
An element providing a solution to no problem in particular.
<LogoToolBar/> is usually used as a header placed at the bottom of the screen. It can contain the screen title, controls such as buttons, menu button etc.
Global namespace with some utilities functions for PolymerVis.
Gulp plugin to generate link imports for Polymer Web Components
customElements for enhancing or replacing native inputs
Anypoint authentication web component
Common behaviors across the paper elements
A distributed router inspired by PolymerElements/app-route
<LogoSplash/> is a fullscreen component to be shown when the app is getting ready to open.