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a real-time and single page app framework base on websocket
Pack files into a zip archive.
A plugin for Eleventy that turns your site into a single page application.
a cli for webpack-client projects
Cache middleware for nuxt's SSR rendering.
a single-spa plugin for vue.js applications
A single spa plugin for React apps
Bun-First integrable build step for frontend
Renderer for prerender-spa-plugin that blocks all request to async components, leaving only a synchronous frame
a single-spa plugin for vue.js applications
The server-side rendering engine for Aurelia.
## Install ```sh npm install -g @sanillajs/sanilla-cli ```
A template for react build with TypeScript
spa core
Flexible, framework-agnostic static site generation for sites and SPAs built with webpack.
Una opción para obtener una blacklist de maliciosos ordenada para tu bot
Fork from prerender-spa-plugin by Chris Fritz []
Component DOM inspector
utils for jwt and session in spa
Pluf SPA project templates.