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TCH Design System
`vite-plugin-seo-prerender` 插件是一个用于 `Vite` 构建工具的预渲染插件,它可以将你的单页面应用 (SPA) 在构建时静态预渲染为 HTML 文件,以提高首次加载速度和SEO友好性。适用于对站点少量页面生成静态HTML。支持 `Vue、React`等所有框架
ProComponent for vue3+vite
Draws a given month with its days using.
Flickity carousel for Vue 3
Vue table component for huge data
- vue3
- vue
- table
- grid
- vue-component
- components
- list
- scrolling
- infinite
- virtualized
- edit
- expand
- radio
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Simple implementation of BEM in Vue 3.x
Vue 3 components library
Embrace Vue 3.0, Free Resize Move, and Different from Traditional Modal
Simple Vue 3 wrap for Supabase.js Client (v2) build with Vitejs
Vue3 wrapper library for dragula
A Storybook Addon to write Storybook's stories using Vue SFC syntax and automatically convert them to Storybook CSF
Vue3 모달
Vue3 preloader component made with CSS transistions and animations, easy to use, integrate and customize.
Tree select hierarchical component for vue 3
Vuejs 3 virtual Scroll List Component