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The EVA SDK provides access to the functionality exposed by the EVA API as a redux store
A base template for Create React App, with redux (redux-thunk middleware) and react-router. Comes with MDBbootstrap, bootstrap and bootstrap icons.
Makes building Front End JavaScript applications (with or without Redux) against JsonAPI backends easier
- jsonapi
- json-api
- jsonapi-consumer
- json-api-consumer
- majic
- redux
- redux-jsonapi
- redux-json-api
- redux-jsonapi-consumer
- redux-json-api-consumer
- redux-majic
Save and load Redux state to and from LocalStorage.
Utilities for working with [Redux]( (extensions on top of [Redux toolkit](
Create an iterator thunk.
CARTO for React - Widgets
Generate promise returning thunks from shell strings.
Kilo.Health ESLint config for Next.js
Declarative Hotjar tagging for Redux
Utilities for reading & writing Redux store state to & from the URL
syntax highlighting component for react with prismjs or highlightjs ast using inline styles
_Redux Eggs_ extension that brings dynamic [sagas]( to your Redux store.
a middle-end composer using redux, normalizr, and immer
Global redux actions for a MC application
Observable Store redux devtools extension.
- store
- state management
- Angular store
- React store
- Vue.js store
- state store
- JavaScript store
- Front-end store
- redux devtools
A flexible, stateless flow chart library for react.
Conditional promise chains
Redux actions and reducers for managing and validating forms and inputs
Eigenspace team's codestyle plugin for Redux app linting