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A corodva plugin to change debug, allow backup and cleartext.
React Component - confirm alert
An Android Cordova plugin that allows users to display simple Toast messages at the bottom of the screen.
This plugin allows you to show a Toast. A Toast is a little non intrusive buttonless popup which automatically disappears.
- Toast
- Notification
- Message
- Alert
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- cordova-wp8
- cordova-windows
- cordova-blackberry10
My personal Twitch Bot.
An Android Cordova plugin that allows users to display simple Toast messages at the bottom of the screen.
React component for displaying version alerts
A configurables email alert and notifier objects for administrators
This plugin allows you to show a Toast. A Toast is a little non intrusive buttonless popup which automatically disappears.
- Toast
- Notification
- Message
- Alert
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- cordova-wp8
- cordova-windows
- cordova-blackberry10
One for all notify, all for one!
A very simple and easy to use react hook alert component
An Android Cordova plugin that allows users to display simple Toast messages at the bottom of the screen.
A customizable and responsive toast notification library for Angular.
- Toast
- Notification
- Alert
- Toaster
- Toastify
- Library
- UI
- UX
- Design
- Customizable
- Responsive
- Mobile-friendly
- Accessibility
- Angular
An Android Cordova plugin that allows users to map headset buttons.
xdialog-fix 解决了vux中的 XDialog 组件 和 基于 XDialog 实现的组件(如:Alert、Confirm)的遮罩下面的内容可交互的问题
An Android Cordova plugin that allows users to display simple Toast messages at the bottom of the screen.
A Cordova plugin for Android that allows users to display simple alert dialogs.
An Android Cordova plugin that allows users to display simple Toast messages at the bottom of the screen.
Easy toast with PureJS for react-native without dependencies
This extension provides a simple Vue modal component.