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Client SDK for the firestore-stripe-payments Firebase Extension
ORM for Firestore
Angular class which wraps AngularFire Storage and provides methods to upload multiple files simultaneously while keeping track of their progress.
Uploads CSV rows as documents to Firestore collections.
Cordova plugin to add google service support
Redux bindings for Firestore.
Cordova plugin for Firebase Analytics
Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
Batching Firestore operations without the hassle
The officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase
JokTec - Notification Service
Firebase adapter for Auth.js
A Node.JS simple interface to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS
A simple wrapper around firebase token authentication
📸Easily and quickly upload rich media to Firebase Storage.
JS/TS library that allows you to set per - time, per - user or per - anything limits for calling Firebase cloud functions
Firebase key utility and encoding/decoding functions
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AST parser and generator for Firebase Firestore and Storage security rules
A library to work around hard limit for Firestore Batched Writes