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307 packages found
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🚧 [WIP]
fullstack modular framework to use with express
A CLI that takes care of all the redundant tasks in TypeScript web app development.
AngularJS yeoman-generator using Angular-ui-router, sass-bootstrap, compass, mocha, gulp, font-awesome, ngdocs
- yeoman-generator
- angular
- best
- practices
- express
- fullstack
- gulp
- mocha-chai
- sass
- bootstrap
- feature-based
- live-reload
- jade
- font-awesome
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Create a new Simmerplate project
Yomo: peer-to-peer redux on client and server
Action-cli is a CLI focused on powering the start of developer's web project.
A CLI tool to create Node.js projects with different database setups. Use `npx create-node-myapp` to quickly scaffold a Node.js project with the database of your choice (MongoDB, OracleDB, SQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite).
- node
- express
- mongodb
- sql
- sqlite
- postgresql
- oracle
- database
- structure
- boilerplate
- scaffold
- starter
- template
- api
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node-locksmith ensures that only a single instance of an application can run at once. It uses a lock file to maintain a system-level mutex.
- node
- nodejs
- node.js
- lock
- lock manager
- singleton
- process control
- concurrency
- single instance
- task scheduling
- cron
- batch jobs
- scheduling
- task management
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Starhackit Yeoman generator - Fullstack starterkit based on react and node
Fullstack JS framework
⚡ Design, Build & Manage modern APIs with Midrun:
- Midrun
- client
- fetch
- API playground
- API toolkit
- fullstack
- framework
- API client
- Developper tools
- lowcode
- AI
- Code generation
A no-dependency Stencil/React alternative written in TypeScript.
Fullstack generator with Express and React by DiuriVJ (Ironhack)
sao template for scaffolding feathers+nuxt apps
Gluestack V2 Web Plugin
Yeoman generator for creating MEAN stack applications, using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node
Express backend Template developed for the backend developer
- express
- backend
- nodejs
- RESTful
- template
- server
- middleware
- routes
- controllers
- models
- database
- mongoose
- mongodb
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Vue + Koa
Development environment to create a fullstack React app with modern-day must-have features.