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Fast touch events for React
Cropper as React Component
An emoji mixin for React
React component for truncating multi-line spans and adding an ellipsis
Component autonomous state control utilities in React class methods and React Hooks
- react
- component
- component-extensions
- component-utils
- utils
- react-components
- react-hooks
- use-state
- auto-controlled-state
- prop-derived-state
Package will allow components to maintain their status, to avoid repeated re-rendering.
Ariakit React core
Polyfill for the proposed React context API
Toolkit for building accessible web apps with React
React markdown adapter for Remarkable
Drag & drop, touch enabled, reorderable / sortable list, React component
React mixin to get form data in nice javascript object format.
React component to provide validation states to form fields
React Tooltip
An action creator and saga for integrating Redux Form and Redux Saga
React hook to check if the component is still mounted
A handy FilePond adapter component for React
react-time-range-slider is a React component allowing users to integrate time range slider. It can accept start and end time. It also allow to define time format default 24 hour time format
Renders the result of Draft.js convertToRaw using provided callbacks, works well with React
React media player.